Stories of motherhood, parenting tips and challenges of kids growing up…

I Will Never Do That

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My sister-in-law had her first baby about three-and-a-half years before I had my first. I learned a lot from watching her. I got to be in the delivery room as she delivered her placenta. Talk about a learning experience! And I got to see her transformation into a mom. We had grown up together, having been kindergarten classmates, and a decade-and-a-half later we married brothers. Knowing that some day I would also become a mom, I watched her, absorbing all I could to prepare myself for my own journey to motherhood. While I admired certain choices, there were others I wasn’t so sure of, like co-sleeping. Have the baby sleep in your room and even your bed? Seriously? I would never do that. And then I had my first child who refused to sleep for the first year of his life. In the wee hours of the morning during his first few days of life, I remembered my sister-in-law and I changed my mind. Perhaps she knew what she was doing after all.

So tell us, what did you think you would never do before having a baby? What made you change your mind? Do you regret your decision?

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