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Top Ten Baby Items

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Top 10 Gifts for BabiesThe holiday season is upon us and it’s never too early to get started shopping. But, when surrounded by a plethora of choices, how do you decide what to get for your baby this Christmas? Today we bring you a list of the top 10 baby items to make your baby’s (or your nephew’s, niece’s, grandbaby’s…) holiday extra special this year. Each item on the list was carefully chosen to not only please the baby, but also the parent. This list was compiled by choosing great, well-made products that add value and hopefully ease to our lives. What parent couldn’t use a bit of that?

The items come courtesy of our sponsor Lanser’s The Natural Way (click the photos for more info). While the products are theirs, the opinions are all mine! Some of the items are ones I have used and personally recommend. Others are ones I wish I would’ve had with each of our babies. Each item was chosen with intentionality and purpose, and all are sure to please.

Sophie the Giraffe

Yes, I admit, I love Sophie. She is a great toy that stimulates the five senses. Babies love holding, squeaking and chewing on her. And, she’s made of 100% natural materials.

Sophie Giraffe

Haba Wooden Toys

Haba has a wide variety of well-built wooden toys that withstand the test of time. They help babies with grasping, clutching and hand-to-eye coordination. They make great teethers and diaper bag must-haves.Haba Toys


NogginStik is a developmental rattle designed by a therapist to encourage early milestones, such as visual tracking, grasping, hand-to-eye coordination and more. This toy is a favorite of my youngest. She likes to shake him, see him change colors and of course soothe her gums on him.NogginStik


Gund Peek a Boo Bear

This bear is just too cute! While I typically don’t go for toys that make sounds, this one is just too precious to pass up. It plays peek-a-boo by lifting and dropping the blanket, helping babies learn cause-and-effect and object permanence.

Gund Peek a Boo

Big Belly Bank

It’s never too early to start saving for college. These banks come in a variety of designs, including giraffe, dinosaur, dog, flower, sports and more. When a child drops a coin into the bank, it zig-zags down and ends in a see-through compartment, so they can see their savings grow. But, they can’t easily remove the coins so the savings will stay put!Big Belly Bank

Zen Swaddle Blanket

Swaddling was a necessity in our house. Our babies slept better as a result…and so did we. The Zen Swaddle blanket features a unique weighted design that mimics the mother’s touch and helps keep the blanket secure. I so wish I had this blanket when my kids were newborns. It would’ve saved me countless reswaddles!Zen Swaddle

Moby Wrap

Babies are used to being securely held within the womb, so it makes perfect sense that they would want the same snugness as they adjust to life outside the womb. The Moby Wrap is a great way to wear your baby. It allows you to keep her close in a variety of holds, and is a great way to practice skin-to-skin contact in those early days and weeks.Moby Wrap


When I saw these leather booties, I immediately fell in love. They come in a variety of colors and styles for boys and girls. They have an expandable, one-size design that fits most babies up to 18 months of age. Their velcro straps mean no elastic marks around baby’s ankles. Shupeas

Magnificent Baby Clothes

Newborns require constant changing, so easy-access, low-maintenance clothing is a must. Magnificent Baby clothes are not only cute, but they also feature magnetic closures for easy access. That’s a valuable asset when you’re changing the 17th diaper of the day!Magnificent Baby Clothes

Blooming Bath

We bathed our kids in the sink for the first year of their lives. Unfortunately we had to wrestle with bulky plastic bathtubs placed in the sink until they could sit on their own. Even then, we had to support them with our arms to make sure they didn’t slip. The Blooming Bath pillow is soft, cozy and much more comfortable than our stainless steel sink! And, it can even be used as a nice pillow in your own bubble bath…if you ever find time to make that happen.Blooming Bath

Stay tuned for more top 10 gift idea lists in the coming weeks. In the meantime, leave a comment and let us know what your favorite baby gift is.

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