Stories of motherhood, parenting tips and challenges of kids growing up…

One-and-Done, Two-and-Through….

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It has just started to hit me that we are done having babies. We have known for a long time that three would be it. Honestly, we wondered if we would stop at two. We debated for quite a while, not able to make a decision until I finally said, “I’m not getting any younger. It’s now or never.” About a year later, Adelyn was born. Our family now feels complete.

Since before she was born, we knew she would be our last, so I did my best to savor pregnancy, have the best birth possible and now enjoy babyhood. I admit that I sometimes see a pregnant woman and get a little sad when I realize I will never feel that again…but not sad enough to do it again. What has really brought me to the realization that we are moving on and babies are a life stage we will soon be leaving behind has nothing to do with the fact that our baby just turned 7 months old or that our oldest started kindergarten. It’s the fact that we are selling our smallest cloth diapers. We have gotten rid of baby gear, such as the bassinet and even newborn clothes, but it is something about the diapers that makes it seem all the more real. Our infant-sized pre-folds are about to find a new home.

While I celebrate the fact that we are months closer to potty training, I do need to pause for a moment and understand that time is going faster than I realize. Today small-sized diapers, tomorrow…I’m not sure I want to think about it….

So tell us, how did you know you wanted kids? How did you know when you were done? What made it all a reality?

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