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Video Birth Story: A Peaceful Twin C-Section

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“In the movies, pregnant women typically find out they’re in labor when their water suddenly breaks and releases a huge puddle at the most inopportune time- such as eating in a fancy restaurant or while hailing for a cab in the midst of rush hour,” said Sunny Gault, about her third pregnancy. “‘Real life’ isn’t that insane. Most of the insanity happens AFTER the babies arrive.

“Here’s what happened after my water broke on November 11, 2013.”

Sunny and her husband tell the birth story of their twin girls through this beautiful video. If you’ve ever wondered what a c-section could be like, be sure to watch. It’s beautiful how peaceful and joyful this moment is. And, hearing the little ones’ cries will easily bring tears (of joy) to your eyes.

Many thanks to Sunny for allowing us to share her story with you. She first posted it on her own website.

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Video Birth Story: A Peaceful Twin C-sectionAfter establishing a successful television career, Sunny Gault transitioned to being a full-time mom in 2010 when her first son was born—despite never having changed a diaper. She met the challenge of parenting head-on by combining it with her media talent, helping to launch the web TV series Momversation and hosting and producing the online radio show PregTASTIC. In 2012, two months prior to the birth of her second child, Sunny established New Mommy Media, a network of podcasts focused on easing the transition to parenthood. Sunny and her husband reside in San Diego with their four children: Sayer, Urban and their identical twins Ainsley and Addison.

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