Stories of motherhood, parenting tips and challenges of kids growing up…

Mysteries of Motherhood

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Our generation can boast with confidence that we know everything about birthing babies. It’s the stuff that happens afterwards — the experience of motherhood itself — that we find mysterious, inconceivable, even “unreal.” ~ Susan Maushart, excerpt from the book “The Mask of Motherhood”

What do you think? I have to say I don’t believe we fully understand birth itself, but we have the ability to be more informed than perhaps any previous generation. But, it’s the part about motherhood that I relate to. I’ve had plenty of “unreal” moments. The first came moments after my oldest child was born and he spent the first hour crying. I felt helpless. Lost. Confused. Scared. Five years and 1.5 kids later, I still have those moments. What about you?

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