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Hospital Must-Haves for the New Mom

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You know you should pack a bag of necessities to take to the hospital when it’s baby time. But what exactly should you pack? Do you need an outfit for every day? What about for the baby? While the hospital does provide some things, it isn’t a full-service, five-star hotel. Hospital Must-Haves for the New Mom

What They Have

First, let’s cover a few things that most hospitals will provide:

Breast pads (for leaking)
Bulb syringe (you’ll figure out the uses soon enough)
Gowns (not always so comfy)
Mesh granny panties (not the most comfortable, but they are functional)
Nipple cream samples (sometimes you have to ask)
Onesie or wrap shirts for the baby
Pads (you’ll need them…)
Pacifier (if you ask)
Receiving blankets for in-hospital use

What to Pack

Now as for what to pack, some seasoned moms offered their thoughts. Not all of these may be “essentials” for a post-baby hospital stay, but they will provide comfort and make you feel more at home. Here is a list of  must-have items to pack in your hospital bag:

Baby’s first outfit for going home and hospital pictures (pack an extra, just in case)
Breastfeeding cover-up
Breastfeeding pillow
Car seat (okay, it doesn’t fit in your bag, but don’t forget it!)
Comfy clothes that layer well, so you can adjust your temperature
Glasses and contact lenses
Flip flops or shower shoes
Hair ties
Nipple cream
Nursing tank top
Nursing bra
Phone charger
Reading materials to pass the time (breastfeeding and baby care books, or a novel for some escape)
Toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrush, hairbrush, etc.)
Underwear, large and nothing fancy, if you don’t want to use the mesh kind
Yoga or other such comfy pants (you will probably leave the hospital still needing maternity pants…true story…)
Whatever makes you feel most at home….

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