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Bucket List

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I am listening to Pregtastic’s most recent podcast episode on creating a bucket list of must-do items before the baby comes. It got me to thinking about my own unofficial bucket list before #1 joined us. I didn’t jot down an actual task list, but I made mental notes of things I wanted to or felt I should do before a baby turned our world upside down. Some of those included:

  • Develop a birth plan.
  • Decorate the nursery.
  • Nap frequently.
  • Get the dog updated on his shots.
  • Figure out how to change a diaper.
  • Take birthing classes.
  • Complete a 5K, while pregnant.

Thankfully I was able to complete them all. Of course Jonas gave us ample time to take care of those items and more since he graced us with his presence 10 days post-due date. Looking back, there are a few things I wish I would’ve added to that list. Taking longer naps, sleeping in frequently and becoming more patient would be at the top.

So tell us, did you have a bucket list? What was on it? Or, thanks to hindsight, what do you wish would’ve been on it?

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