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Where Should Baby Sleep? The Case for Co-Sleeping

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Sleep is a big topic for new parents. And with it comes so many questions. How much should she be sleeping? How can I get him to sleep more? And, where should the baby sleep? Emily of Live Renewed shares a bit of her perspective and experience when it comes to infant sleep and co-sleeping.

“Is she sleeping through the night yet?” The worst question that could ever be asked of a new mom. EVER! Because, um, news flash: Babies don’t (and shouldn’t) really conform to our ideals of what it means to sleep for long periods without waking, at nighttime.

I mean pretty much anyone who’s ever had a baby, or taken care of someone else’s baby, could probably tell you that. And yet, how a baby is sleeping is always at the very top of other people’s priority list for your baby.

Where Should Baby Sleep? The Case for Co-Sleeping

So, you feel like it should be at the top of your priority list too, right? I mean everyone keeps asking about it, so it must be important, right?

And your completely sleep-deprived self is screaming – YES! It is important! I need to sleep! And so I need to get my baby to sleep through the night!! Because that’s what all the experts tell me I am supposed to do.

But, maybe there is more to it than just sleeping through the night. …

To co-sleep or not to co-sleep…read more about Emily’s experience with infant sleep and co-sleeping at her website Live Renewed.

EmilyLiveRenewedEmily McClements is a wife, mother of three and  author/owner of Live Renewed where she blogs about green and frugal living, focusing on simple steps that people can take to move toward a more green, natural, and simple lifestyle.

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