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Three Happinesses: Shin Splints, Goodnight Gallilla & Siblings

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What makes you happy? It’s that time of the week again to look back and consider your three happinesses–three things that brought a smile to your face and joy to your heart over the last seven days. As I discussed in last week’s inaugural Three Happinesses post, it’s easy as mothers to get bogged down by the mundane and the disappointments of everyday life. Motherhood is tough in ways we never thought possible. It is physically, emotionally and mentally draining at times. But, I don’t want to live in a place of  negatives anymore. Motherhood also comes with a whole host of joys that, if we look for them, can change our perspective, our moods and our focus as moms. So, here are three things that made me pause this week and be grateful:

3 Happinesses: What made you happy this week?

Shin Splints

Spring has finally sprung in Northern Indiana! After receiving over 100+ inches of snow this winter, along with sub-freezing temperatures for most of January and February, 40-degree days feel like beach days! This week I’ve been able to lace up my running shoes again and hit the pavement. I’ve registered to run the Sunburst 10K at the end of May, and while I have been doing Beachbody’s T25 workout indoors, I couldn’t wait to actually run in fresh air again…even if that meant taking the dog and the jogging stroller with me. And, of course the start of running season always means a return of shin splints, but I’ll take them if it means being able to run again.

I have been a runner for several years now and when I became pregnant with my first child, a jogging stroller was at the top of my wish list. Let me tell you that my Baby Jogger has been one of the best baby gear purchases we have ever made. We have used it consistently over 7 years and 3 kids. Yes, it does add extra resistance to a run, but I like to see it as an extra calorie burn!

Three Happinesses: Shin Splints, Goodnight Gallilla & Siblings

Good Night, Gallilla

Our three kids love books. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that their mom is a writer and I have done my best to build into them from birth an appreciation for the written word. This past week our 2-year-old received a new book: Good Night, Gorilla…or as she says it, “Good Night, Gallilla.” And she LOVES it. The best part of this book is that it has just a few words and the pages are filled with beautiful pictures. After a couple of readings, she had those few words memorized. Now she likes to leaf through the pages, point to the pictures and tell her own story. My older two love the book as well and ask to read it to Addie, but before the book is done, she usually ends up telling them the story. I love the way this book encourages creativity and story telling in even a 2-year-old.

Three Happinesses: Shin Splints, Goodnight Gallilla & Siblings


The entire family has been enjoying the Spring warm up. I snapped this picture on a family walk we took this week. Addie usually rides in the backpack carrier or jogging stroller for walks, but as we get closer to home, she likes to walk up our street. Matt, nor I prompted the kiddos to do this. As we watched them walk hand-in-hand up the street, we were so proud of the way the older two were encouraging Addie and making sure she stayed on the sidewalk. Moments like these make me grateful for the bond they have now and hopeful for the bond that will last a lifetime.

Three Happinesses: Shin Splints, Goodnight Gallilla & Siblings

Now it’s your turn. What are your three happinesses from the week? If you’re a blogger, join in the fun and leave your link below. I’d love to see what has brought a smile to your face this week.

Again, special thanks to Amy Clark of for inspiring this new feature. Be sure to check out her awesome site.

Have you followed me on Pinterest yet? Connect with me over there! And find me on Instagram where my stream is flooded with happinesses each day.

{Please note, there are affiliate links in this post, but rest assured, I only recommend what I truly like. I appreciate your support in helping make this website and all our efforts possible!}


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