Stories of motherhood, parenting tips and challenges of kids growing up…

10 Signs You’re Winning at Motherhood

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Being a mom is tough work, especially when you add in all the expectations society places on us. As if growing, birthing and then keeping the little ones alive isn’t hard enough work, but then we are also supposed to be perfectly-coiffed, physically-fit gourmet cooks with HGTV-worthy homes, and careers that are fulfilling and purposeful, but that don’t distract too much from raising exceptionally well-mannered children.


10 Signs You're Winning at Motherhood

Maybe in Stepford, but this is the real world. So, let’s set some realistic standards, not Pinterest-worthy ones. The following is a list of 10 signs that you are winning at motherhood. Since we’re being realistic here, as long as you can check off, well, one, we’ll call it all good.

  1. You wear something other than just pajamas on most days. Yes, even yoga pants are an accomplishment.
  2. Your kids have used the words “please” and “thank you” at some point in their lives…even if they have been prompted first.
  3. You know when your kids’ birthdays are. Perfectly-themed, budget-busting party not necessary and not particularly recommended.
  4. Your kids have a safe environment in which to play. Fancy toys and new technology not needed. Cardboard boxes will do just fine.
  5. Your kids have said, “I’m bored.” They may not appreciate it, but it just means you are giving them the space to be creative and not constantly entertained.
  6. You shower most days of the week, but not all. Water conservation should be applauded.
  7. You know how to do a topknot for a quick up-do. Scratch that. You are capable of a ponytail. Or a hat.
  8. Most of your kids’ clothes fit or at least offer appropriate coverage. Latest fashion trends may be preferred by the little people, but are not required, despite their demands.
  9. You know the names of your kids’ teachers. We’ll call that our own unofficial parent-teacher “organization.”
  10. Your holidays are less about perfection (Elf on the Shelf? There’s too much Dust on the Shelf.) and more about your presence with those you love most.

Bonus points if you’ve had a date night with your spouse or a girls’ night out within the last month.

And, double points if you have made time recently to read a book for pleasure (picture books, included) or to take a nap.

Have you connected with me on social media? Find me on TwitterInstagram and Facebook @mchurchwriter.

{This article first appeared in The Family Magazine of Michiana. Photo credit: ©Alena Ozerova –}


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